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IBFCT - The Modular Bible School

There are many challenges facing pastors and potential pastors in Tanzania. The poverty there means pastors have little chance of going to Bible College for three years. The people are too poor for the pastor to be supported by their congregation so the pastors often have to work to support themselves and their families. Often many in the congregation cannot afford Bibles. So the quality of the pastor often is a key factor in the health of the church and the quality and depth of their Bible knowledge is of paramount importance.

The answer to this problem is a modular Bible School. This allows pastors to take time out of their job, for a month or so, for training at a local centre, and then they can return to their churches and teach out of what they have learned. However we have set up a modular Bible School at Nyasaka IBFCT. Eleven pastors began their training in December 2018 and completed it in December 2021. We thank God for this vital ministry and his provision for it which is so important to the future of the church there. Below are some pictures showing the pastors in training.

IBFCT - The Modular Bible School: About Us

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Daudi Jackson studying at MBS.jpg
IBFCT - The Modular Bible School: Quote
Lucas Maisori and Lazaro Makuri doing ec
IBFCT - The Modular Bible School: Welcome
John Lawi studying in MBS.jpg

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

Psalm 119: verse 105

IBFCT - The Modular Bible School: Quote
IBFCT - The Modular Bible School: Welcome

Paul Pimbili's visits to the pastors

Pastor Paul Pimbili2.jpg

Paul Pimbili, the teacher of the Modular  Bible School, has been visiting the pastors who attended the training courses. The purpose of his visits is to help pastors apply their knowledge and training practically in their churches. This is something our own pastor, Daniel Belshaw, felt was very important during our last visit to Tanzania. Please pray for the pastors to be able to apply their new knowledge to their lives now they have completed their training and that God would move in their churches.

IBFCT - The Modular Bible School: About

©2020 by Light Church International Missions.

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